Searching good models for structuring content
For team collaboration - there is always a lot of information floating around. Messages, Documents, Alerts, Events , Info about events, Presentations . You get the idea. Generally everything can be stored as a linear list - ordered by creation date or some other scheme. But this does not provide any "chunking" info that is helpful to grouping and classifying information so it is easily understood. Different users may have different ways of grouping the information. But this can lead to anarchy if the information repository is a common repository. What are good "models" to organize the info? a) Use time honored library classification schemes (hierarchical decimal dewey system)? (1-d) b) Index Terms with Concept Maps ? (you are here!) Concept maps can be spacial.. humans easily grasp 2-d views c) Allow people to customize their own grouping or frame slots. I am curious to know if there are any good models to follow here.