What I want from a web framework with RDMS or does Django do that?
I have been busy studying the new frameworks like Django (Python) and Ruby on Rails to explore if I should switch to the new bandwagon and see if they will really give me productivity benefits. Some background before I present my problem issue or what I am missing. I have developed some production sites using Zope and Tomcat/JSP/Struts . I am a fan of Zope. As a self taught web developer, here are some things I love about Zope. (I do have a programming background from ages ago!) IMHO the simple , powerful, ready- made management interface provided by ZMI with Zope's inbuilt security admin is really unparalleled in its ease-of-use for first time users. It also sets up easily without much fuss and runs well out of the box! No big configuration hassles! (Zope 3 seems to have succumbed to the complex installation syndrome). Zope is also pretty graceful in the way it handles errors. One struggle much less with constant syntax errors typical in Java and other development languages . ...